con la natura, e offre soggiorni indimenticabili a famiglie
e bambini. |
The Hotel
Prosperi is located at Carpinelli Pass, in High Garfagnana,
and is immersed in the green land of the Apuan Alps, that
constitute the background to its structure. The hotel
is the ideal place for a relaxing and healthy holiday,
in close contact with nature, and offers unforgettable
stays for families and children. |
Via Statale 445 n° 83 - 55030 - Passo dei Carpinelli
- Minucciano (LU)
Tel. 0583-611380 0583-611053 Fax 0583-611356 |
Le ampie sale del ristorante occupano fino a 250 posti e possono essere utilizzate anche per congressi, banchetti e riunioni.
The large dining room can seat up to 250 and can also be used for conference and ceremonial events. |
